1998-2001 Groundwork For A New Village Hall

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Although the decision had been taken to change the status of the Reading Room to that of a Village Hall, prior to initial refurbishment and making use of the recreation ground and school playground (for parking), such steps required significant efforts by the Steering Group, given the number of parties involved and the various covenants and trustees. That complexity also meant that attempts to secure grant funding in key areas were also far from straight-forward.

It was essential that villagers we kept informed on progress, and were given a chance to give their thoughts, so a questionnaire was circulated in 1998, as discussed in the Village Newsletter.

199810 Progress Report VM199810

It was decided to start local fundraising in parallel with the legal work, so an organising group was formed, a topic discussed in the Village Newsletter of October 1998.

199810 Organising Group Formed VM199810_1

The responses to the questionnaire were summarised thus

199810 Questionnaire Pages From VM199810

(It is interesting to note that all of the above suggestions for the use of the Village Hall seem to have come to fruition in the years following the opening).

Work to formalise ownership / and align the various trustees of the land and buildings continued over the millennium period. Fundraising and applications for Grants similarly continued in parallel.

A progress update at the end of 1998 highlighted progress – but also ongoing issues

199812 Three Way Meeting with Diocese VM199812 Part 2

The fundraising efforts helped move the project forward, with additional, but necessary legal fees discussed in the Trustees Report to the Village Newsletter of September 1999 – which also reported further challenges regarding the integration of the land assets.

199909 Trustees Report VM 199909_1

Later in 1999 a further Village Meeting was called to update villagers on progress and listen to their inputs.

199911 RR Public Meeting VM199911_1

A final report in 1999 summarised that public meeting.

199912 Steering Group VM199912

Moving into the new Millennium, the challenges with formalising ownership continued, as referenced in a progress report of October 2000.

200010 Village Hall Update

By 2001 things seemed like they were finally beginning to move.

200105 Progress Report P1

In addition, the overview plans for a Village Hall were published in the Village Newsletter.

200105 Progress Report P3
200105 Progress Report P2