The Rugby Advertiser carried a report on the villages coming together for festivities to mark the Coronation of George V and Mary in 1911.
These two villages joined forces in celebrating the event on Thursday, and the day was a very enjoyable one, all the arrangements being carried out without a hitch.
The Executive Committee, which consisted of the Rector G W Jenkins, Miss A W Townsend, Messrs Brierly, T Chalmers, W Dunn, E Riley and J Cullen, drew up the following programme:
6.0 a.m., peal on the Church bells; 12 noon. Royal salute off Church tower;
1.45 p.m., peal on bells and special Church service; 2.30, sports: 5.30, tea;
7.30, dancing and entertainment; 10.30 Fireworks;
Tea Committee: Mr E Riley, Misses A W and J W Townsend. H M Cooke, and A Cooke. Sports Committee: Messrs H L Briefly. C Dunn. H Cook, W Whiteman. H Bird. D Lobley, T Sharp, and P Dumbleton. The illuminations were left in the hands of Mr E Riley and Mr A Cooke. The Band and Entertainment Committee consisted only of Miss A W Townsend, and all the committees carried out their respective duties to the satisfaction of all.
Mr Brown’s (Rugby) String Band played in Church for service, during the sports and tea, and afterwards for dancing. About £30 was raised by public subscription and the help of a rummage sale. The service in Church, which was conducted by the Rector. was well attended.
The results of the sports were :- Pitching a sheaf over a bar 1st F Dumbleton (5s), 2nd T Batchelow (2s 6d); height sheaf was thrown 16ft 6in.
Three legged race 1st H L Brierly and C Dunn (4s), 2nd T Batchelor and W Goode (2s). Pig Race for women, prize winner, Mrs H Gurney. This race caused considerable amusement, about 21 women having entered.
Relay : Teams from Church Lawford and Kings Newnham: winners Church Lawford. 120 yards flat for men over 30: 1st C Hopkins (5s), 2nd W Tallett (2s 6d).
Obstacle race for Women, the competitors having to empty a box of matches and replace them, throw a tennis ball into a trough suspended about 12ft high, peel an orange, disentangle some strings and tie together again, pick a farthing out of a bowl of whitewash, etc,: 1st Miss J Kenney (5s), 2nd Mrs Daniels (2s 6d)
Bicycle Musical Chairs: 1st Miss M Cooke (5s), 2nd Mr C Dunn (2s 6d). Consolation Race: 1st G Tallett (2s 6d).
There were various contests for children. By the time these were concluded a substantial meat tea had been prepared in Mr Riley’s Dutch barn, whjch had been nicely decorated, and during the evening sandwiches and biscuits were served out with beer or lemonade. and a few old people who could not attend were not forgotten. Dancing then commenced, a good majority of the people joining, and during the intervals songs were given by Mr and Mrs Twistle. Mrs Cullen. Mr E Riley and party, and Mr H L Brierly. About 11.30 the fireworks were let off. Mr Riley’s lawn (which was used for dancing), and the gardens were illuminated by fairy lamps and looked very pretty indeed, the lights being very artistically blended, and great praise was bestowed upon those responsible for it – Messrs E Riley and A Cooke.
The village looked very gay, practically every house being decorated in some way, with flags, fairy lamps, paper flowers &c.