Materials on this site have come from many sources, as referenced below. Some of this material has already been securely archived, such as at the Warwick Records Centre, Warwickshire Libraries, or with various Genealogical agencies. In cases of particular interest that information has been summarised here, with reference to the current repository, especially where materials have not been retained within the two villages.
Special credit must go to the two local newspapers with historic coverage – the Rugby Advertiser and the Coventry Evening Telegraph, and the local libraries who hold copies of these publications, as well as the search facilities provided by the British Newspaper Archive.
Another key information source has been the archive of Village Newsletters / Parish Magazines which is held in the research area of this archive, allowing specific articles and references to be included in this section of the archive, where appropriate. This content includes research work and village recollections assembled by the magazine editors over many years, and with assistance from many village volunteers.
See here for a Glossary of Church Terms.
See here for more information on the research areas and sources.