Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II

The Rugby Advertiser reported on the village events of the occasion of the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II on 2nd June 1953.



THE disappointing weather on Coronation Day did not damp or mar the spirit of the villagers of Church Lawford, who to the best of their ability carried out as many of the events as possible that had been arranged by a very able committee. The day started with Holy Communion in Church conducted

by the Rector (Rev. L. W. Blount) and another service at 10.30 attended by some of the village children, together with adults. At 2-30 p.m. there was a fancy dress parade, this following immediately upon the hoisting of the Union Jack in the school playground.

The entries of the children were remarkably good, showing what a great interest the parents had taken in the event. The judge was Mr. W. E. Lee (Coventry). Owing to a rainstorm just at this time the procession had to adjourn to the premises lent by Mr. F. Cooke; and this rather cramped position made the judging more difficult. However the awards were: 1 “ A candle to bed,” Gilian Rosser; 2 ” Black a more,” David Cooke; 3 “Television,” Elaine Howell; 4 “Darby and Joan,” Margaret Elward and Denise Lowe; 5 “Flower girl.” Rosemary Betts. 6 “ Sir Walter Raleigh and the Tudor Rose,” Trevor and Carol Barnwell. The adult prises were to the following: “Scarecrow,” Mrs. F. Cooke; “Japanese Lady,” Mrs. Haynes; “ Wild Man from Borneo,” Malcolm Heckford.


An excellent tea had been prepared at the school to which about ninety children sat down, their wants being attended to by Miss Forty, Miss D. Blount, Miss J. Cummins, Miss Whiteman, Mrs. Elward, Mrs. Birch, Mrs. Farmer and Mrs. Bennell. A meat tea had been arranged for the grown-ups, over 200 attending at various intervals, this being prepared by a committee under the capable catering organiser Mrs W Bradley assisted by mesdames Leach, Tyres, Blount, Heckford, Wootton (2), Brandorth, Caddoo, Barnwell, Goodman, and Miss H. Blount.

Sports arranged for the children had to be postponed so the male members of the committee will perform their duties at a future date.

A prize is being given for the best decorated house, and will be awarded to Mrs Howell, 12 Airey Houses, Newnham Road. A social and dance was held in the Reading Room , Mr Birch and Mrs Twyford being responsible for the games etc. Mr Clarke and Mr Spuiles very hastily arranged for the radiogram and loudspeakers. The Reading Room had been artistically decorated for the proceedings by Mr and Mrs Birch.

As a souvenir of the Coronation all the children were given a very nice beaker.

At the close of the Fancy Dress Parade all the children were given chocolate to avoid any disappointment to those not fortunate in winning a prize.