This is one of a number of reviews of the 1849 Tithe Registers, which look at the village layout and tenancies at that time, contrasting with the next main checkpoint of the 1918 Auction. The review is based on the tithe-holder name, looking at the various plots that make up their tithe commitment. The blue dots on the various tithe areas highlight the allocated tithes. See here for an index to the other tithe records in a similar format.
William Sutton Crofts was the tenant farmer at what is known today as Rookery Hall Farm – there is a suggestion it was known as Crow Trees back in the 1840s, but this will be investigated further. His tithe allocation was as follows.
It might be noted that there two fields with Clockmakers in their name – Clockmakers Close and Clockmakers Meadow – see here for a full list of tithe names. Possible links to the craftsmen in the Dalton family who made the renowned clocks and watches will be researched when time is available.