Author: Antony Farmer

  • Village Crafts and Skills

    Village Life has always included the use of local skills and crafts based in the villages where-ever possible. This local “self-sufficiency” is in addition to the local tradespeople providing building, carpentry, painting & decorating etc, and over the years has included More details may be added Read more

  • Other Local Activities

    As well as those activities within the two villages themselves, the improvements in travel options meant there were a number of activities in the local area that were mainstays of the social lives of villagers over the years. More details on some of all of the following will be added depending on how relevant they… Read more

  • Lawford’s Air Heritage

    Many will be aware of the existence of RAF Church Lawford during the war, and further details are provided below, along with details of the air activities prior to the war. In 1932 there was an air display based at Lawford Heath organised by Sir Alan Cobham using a grass air-strip for public flights as… Read more

  • Choir Outing to Cleethorpes in 1900

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  • Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee 2012


    The Diamond Jubilee celebration to mark 60 years of the reign of Queen Elizabeth II was held on the 2nd-5th June 2012 in the United Kingdom. The actual jubilee day was 6th February 2012, as the accession of the Queen was on 6th February 1952, but the commemoration was held over to summer months. The… Read more

  • Queen Victoria’s Golden Jubilee 1887


    To mark 50 years of the reign of Queen Victoria, the Golden Jubilee celebrations were held on 20th and 21st June 1887. Throughout the country there were local celebrations. The schedule of events was published in the local newspapers. Details for Church Lawford are below. Similar details were published for King’s Newnham, with a separate… Read more

  • Millennium Celebrations


    Many of the Millennium Celebrations were at a family level, rather than at a village level, but there was a small gathering on the village green to read the Millennium Resolution as detailed below: Read more

  • Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee (2002)


    The Golden Jubilee celebration to mark 50 years of the reign of Queen Elizabeth II was held on the 4th June 2002 in the United Kingdom. The actual jubilee day was 6th February 2002, as the accession of the Queen was on 6th February 1952, but the commemoration was held over to summer months. The… Read more

  • Queen Elizabeth II Silver Jubilee 1977


    The Silver Jubilee celebration to mark 25 years of the reign of Queen Elizabeth II was held on the weekend of 6th and 7th June 1977 in the United Kingdom. The actual jubilee day was 6th February 1977, as the accession of the Queen was on 6th February 1952, but the commemoration was held over… Read more

  • Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee 1897


    Following the events in the two villages to celebrate Queen Victoria’s 60 years as Queen at her Diamond Jubilee on 21/22 June 1897, the Parish Newsletter carried a report from the vicar as well as the results of the village sports. Hester and Marjory Townsend had made a tableau to celebrate the event. Local Newspapers… Read more