Category: Village History

  • Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee (2002)


    The Golden Jubilee celebration to mark 50 years of the reign of Queen Elizabeth II was held on the 4th June 2002 in the United Kingdom. The actual jubilee day was 6th February 2002, as the accession of the Queen was on 6th February 1952, but the commemoration was held over to summer months. The… Read more

  • Queen Elizabeth II Silver Jubilee 1977


    The Silver Jubilee celebration to mark 25 years of the reign of Queen Elizabeth II was held on the weekend of 6th and 7th June 1977 in the United Kingdom. The actual jubilee day was 6th February 1977, as the accession of the Queen was on 6th February 1952, but the commemoration was held over… Read more

  • Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee 1897


    Following the events in the two villages to celebrate Queen Victoria’s 60 years as Queen at her Diamond Jubilee on 21/22 June 1897, the Parish Newsletter carried a report from the vicar as well as the results of the village sports. Hester and Marjory Townsend had made a tableau to celebrate the event. Local Newspapers… Read more

  • Weather Events

    The Great Freeze of 1963 The winter of 1962/3 is widely regarded as one of the worst on record. Details will be added here of how it affected the two villages. Storm Events Over the years there have been many storms that have caused damage and incident in the two villages, whether it to be… Read more

  • A 1921 History Tour

    In May 1921 the Local History Groups from Rugby and Nuneaton shared a history trip in the local area. This was the subject of a detailed report in the Nuneaton Chronicle on 13th May 1921. It has been transcribed below. HISTORICAL EXCURSION.NUNEATON AND RUGBY JOIN FORCES.In spite of the persistently showery weather, the members of… Read more

  • Kings Newnham Geology and Archaeological Findings

    The Geology of the local area, notably between Kings Newnham and Little Lawford, based on clay and Blue Lias limestone has resulting in the area having a number of historical notes, regarding the Baths, the Lime Works and the archaeological findings. The baths at Kings Newnham were said (in 1921) by well-known local historian Emily… Read more

  • Early Industry – Lime Burning

    With a rural history going back many centuries, the geology of the area also offered an option to those used to making their living from farming. The local limestone was known as Blue Lias, and could be used in the production of both lime as a fertiliser (quick lime (calcium oxide) or slaked lime (calcium… Read more

  • Old Manor Maps


    Early Mapping at a local level came via the Lord of the Manor. The Manor Map would show the breakdown of the area at a field level. Further old maps, at a County level to show the structure of the Knightlow Hundred, plus some more historic mapping from the 16th and 17th centuries can be… Read more

  • Newnham Regis History by A E Treen

    Rugby-born Compositor and local historian A Edward Treen produced a series of “Half-Holiday Rambles” for the Rugby Advertiser in the early 20th Century. Reproduced here is his essay on Kings Newnham. Half-Holiday Rambles Around Rugby By A. Edward TreenNewnham Regis, or to give it its modern title, Kings Newnham, is a hamlet situated on the… Read more

  • Church Lawford Census 1921


    The Church Lawford census recorded in 1921 is the latest to be released into the public domain under the terms of the census act. As the census from 1931 was destroyed during the war years, and it was not taken in 1941, there will not be another released in this way for many years when… Read more