Population Changes 1800 – 2000

The following table has been assembled from information in the Village Censuses, Village Directories and Electoral Roll information. During the period there are various changes in the two villages, discussed elsewhere on this site. As far as possible the complete parishes are considered, following the colour coded 1918 maps detailed here – i.e. including the properties on the eastern edge of Bretford which are included in the ecclesiastical parish of Kings Newnham.
Those numbers in bold in the table below have clickable links to underlying census data. The full census information can be found here.

YearChurch Lawford PopulationChurch Lawford HouseholdsKings Newnham PopulationKings Newnham Households
1811326 125 
1821351 66134See Note 2 
1831320 139 
1961 44911310138
1971 120 26
1981 136 24
1991 133 26
2001368 129 26

Note 1 At the start of the 19th Century Church Lawford and Long Lawford were listed as having roughly an equal number of residents.

Note 2 The History of Warwickshire, produced in 1830, lists Kings Newnham as having 120 inhabitants in 1811, and 134 in 1821, which seems reasonable, but it suggests there were 88 households in 1821 which seems difficult to explain.

Note 3 The jump in population for Church Lawford between 1951 and 1961 results from the various post-war house building initiatives discussed here, along with the various post-war temporary accommodations such as the Mount Pleasant Caravan site. Further population figures for the 1960s were published in the Rugby Rural District Council Guide from that period. The figures for 1962 are 470 for Church Lawford and 100 for King’s Newnham, and for 1967 were 500 and 100 respectively.

Note 4 Although exact numbers in the villages aren’t available for the last quarter of the century, the number of adults on the electoral roll for Church Lawford was fairly static at around 230 during those 25 years. For King’s Newnham the adult count on the electoral roll was around 30.

Beyond this period, moving into the 21st century, the electoral register reforms meant that the public electoral roll is no longer a valid measure. However census data from 2021 suggests the population of Church Lawford was 432 (up from 418 in 2011). The equivalent data for King’s Newnham is not available (which may suggest the data for the two villages is combined in the 21st century totals shown here).